One year ago today, we launched the first issue of Five out of Ten, New Horizons. It was terrifying. After spending months working on this thing, what if people hated it – or perhaps worse, didn’t care? But you didn’t hate it, and you did care.
Over the past year, we’ve given you some of the best games feature writing available anywhere. Five issues, seventeen contributors, fifty articles and nearly one hundred thousand words (!) later, we’re now a week away from our sixth issue, Change. We also have a couple of birthday presents to share with our readers:
Today we release Five out of Ten: Year One, a special collection of our first five issues: New Horizons, Players Guide, Reflecting Reality, Storytellers and Mind Games. This includes the original PDF and ePub versions, plus a collated Year One PDF with a new introduction. As always, all of our profits are split between the original contributors. You can buy it here.
If you already have a couple of issues and want to complete your collection, we’ll give you a special discount on Year One: 25% off for every issue from 2–5 that you already own, and if you’ve got all four, then you get the new edition for free! Just get in contact with us and provide the email address of your account for your discount code.
One more thing: our first issue, New Horizons, is now free! Head to the download page to get your copy. If you enjoy it and want to support the writers, please consider buying a copy of Year One.
From the whole team at Five out of Ten, thank you for supporting us in our first year. Keep an eye on our Twitter, Facebook and Google+ pages for an exciting announcement about our sixth issue. You won’t want to miss this one.